Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lack of sleep may shrink your brain

In the article "Lack of sleep may shrink your brain" Val Willingham started with this question , Can a lack of sleep affect the size of your brain?. An European experiment at at 147 adults between the ages of 20 and 84 shows how the brain volume is affected by the sleep problems. The results show there are a sharp decline on the brain volume once a sleep problems are existing. Also, it can cause Alzheimer's and dementia.  "We know that a lack of sleep can lead to all kinds of problems," explained Dr. Neal Maru, a neurologist and sleep specialist with Integrated Sleep Services in Alexandria, Virginia. "Poor sleep can affect our immune systems, our cardiovascular health, weight and, of course, memories. But we still don't know why". Other research shows lake of sleep would lead to build a protein on the brain. There is a doubt if it could lead to change on the brain structure as the  author Claire Sexton of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom said. In my experiment, I realized that some certain of vitamin that could lead to poor sleep. I had a sharp decline on Iron vitamin that caused insomnia to me. For lake of sleeping, I lost my wight and I had lake of memory. Once the Iron become better, all these problems disappear. Sleeping well is mandatory for a good and enjoyable life, otherwise a bad mode would cover your day. One of the things could help to avoid poor sleep is preventing all disturbers such as cell phone, high light and music in your sleeping room. I main even when you want to brush your teeth before sleeping, try to use a qiute light in washroom, because this would disturb you. 

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Flu Vaccine

In the article" It's time to get your flu shot" it is written by By Val Willingham, CNN. He suggests that people have to take the flu vacsine right now as it is a massage from National Foundation for Infectious Diseases and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Flu vacsince has two sides,Dr. William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine says that  "Nearly 60% of the flu cases reported to the CDC last flu season were people between 18 and 64. That figure proves even the healthiest can come down with the flu". To avoid such a serious consequences, The CDC said The flu vaccine includes four influenza virus strains, and seems to be the best protection for this age group for the 2014-2015 flu season. In other article called "Read this before you get a flu shot" Sarah saied that the effectiveness of the flu vaccine depends on the age and on the immune system, whereas the weaker immune system are less effective. Also, the flu vaccine contains a preservative, thimerosal, that is 49 percent mercury, a known neurotoxin. So, you may need to connect with health care before taking this vaccine in case any allergy related with thimerosal. One other points is the virus mutates years by years; so the vaccine has to update. you could attack by one of 200 cold viruses, but it is less harm than flu. This is an valuable article. It give a brief introduction about the risk of flue. In main time i suggest each one has to read full article to get more benefit. 

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Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Benefits and Advantages of eBooks

In the article  (( The Benefits and Advantages of eBooks )), Remez Sasson said, eBook is like the printed book no big different except it is downloaded on the cell phone or computer. But it has a great benefits. First, it download immediately, then start to reading it. No needing for moving or waiting for a delivery to arrive. Second, there is no need for papers and there is a bonuses which is not available on normal book. Third, it takes less space on the computer or cell phone. It allow to store thousand of books and carry it from place to another easy. So, no needing to make library. Fourth, it proved a chance for reading in any where especially with a modern technology. Also, it provide another links that could give more information. eBook is searchable. you can the information that you are looking for easy. The amazing thing is its feature to contain audio and video, which can improve the massage that the author try to convey. The front is flexible to resized for disability people. People where ever they are can equally access an ebook. you can find ebook in variety objectives, free and not free.
Truly, ebook enhance
 disseminate knowledge in a wide range. That reflect to societies improvement. Also, it leads to reduce the book prices. In other hand, ebook would lead to excessive use of technology, that would affect negatively in our body. There is no sense of feeling reading book especially if that reading for relaxation. Also, it lead to limit our information, because of its feature research that prevent us to look for wide different information. So, I believe that ebook is not good at all its cases, there is some cases such as children reading and relaxation reading, I prefer ordinary book. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

16 Cancer Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every Day

According to CNN news, health news department, there are  certain  type of our daily food might cause a cancer. The famous one is microwave Popcorn. It is dangers from two aspects, the small bags and contain. Small begs are linked with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA). The   ( PFOA) is linked to infertility in women, too. In the contact, they used  a GMO product and  various preservatives such as propyl gallate, a chemical that is causes stomach problems and skin rashes. The next is Non-organic fruits. It is contaminating by some very dangerous pesticides such as atrazine, thiodicarb, and organophosphates, as well as high nitrogen fertilizers. Canned Tomatoes is lined with a chemical called bisphenol-A, or BPA. Also, processed meats such as hot dogs, bacon, most lunch meats like bologna or pimento loaf. Farmed Salmon, because its feed by chicken litter and has high levels of PCB’s, mercury, and cancer causing dioxins. Potato Chips have acrylamide, a known carcinogen beside being high contain of sodium levels that cause high blood pressure. Hydrogenated oils, another concern of daily food. All vegetables oil contain an excess of Omega- 6 fatty acids that cause heart disease and in increase in various cancers, especially skin cancer. The chocked one for me is  Wight flours. Now, it has a high level of chlorine gas which causes a cancer. All Refined Sugars, and it consider as a good environment to cancer growth. If you to know the rest of cancer food, back to the link.

In fact, I feel frustrated. Almost ever thing around us being dangerous. The main reason behind that is greed merchants. They want to earn many in any way. Also, international monopoly. It forbade plant productions any were, in order of trades. So in this case natural food productions are not enough to human consumption, then chemical elements is the only solution to increase productions. 


Sunday, October 26, 2014

         In "How Computers Change the Way we Learn" David Robson said "Can technology improve the way we learn and think" He argue that even thought technology can have its downsides , there is very little evidence that computers are damaging our brains. This possibilities for technology to improve the mind was explored by Google’s vice-president of research Alfred Spector at the World-Changing Ideas Summit in New York on 21 October. Duolingo – an app that teaches foreign languages through playful games – already has around 40 million users. To make these app more effective, technology will follow three important principles "Firstly, he points to research showing that even average students can reach the top 2% of a class if they have a personal tutor that can adapt their teaching methods to the student’s style of thinking and learning. “If it were the case that technology could become custom tutors, then it’s possible to imagine enormous improvements in educational attainment,” said Spector.  Memrise and Cerego, in some extent, have already use this strategy. Also, designers have created through video games interesting and compiling  learning environment that would take out the board of studying. In addition, social networks could help student to share their experiences. Spector says the obvious enthusiasm with which people are ingest apps like Duolingo suggests there is a realistic interest. “It may be enough to get this started,” he says. He thinks much of the requisite technology is already there. It just needs to be packaged in a more fascinating way, and that could change our society and no needing for schools.

        So, the idea is to change our methods studying from going to school every day morning to using an effective app as your laying in your bed. This is a crazy sound, because people now are using technology  voracity. You can see group of people setting together but in reality are not together, each one with own cell phone or laptop . That leads people to become less social. I cannot imagine what it would happen if we use app for studying, too.  Another affects is problems health like the constant touching of screens especially for children as their nerve cells have not complete growing. It would kill the soul of companion among students as each one work individually. It would kill the teachers creativity. I am against using app as a new methods of teaching.      

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

See What Your Body Can Do

See What Your Body Can Do

In CNN news, Jessica Fischer, in her article " See What Your Body Can Do",  addressed an important psychological issue which is trusting that  you have an enormous ability and a great powerful   to achieve your dream goals. Briefly, the article talk about  a woman her name is Lori Thyssen. She never think that she would be an sported woman one day. The idea came when she wanted to run at the Marathon race. Even thought having baby, working full time, moving and building a new house, she found a time to practice running sport. Her plan includes  Fleet Feet’s marathon training program. In this program, she meet twice a week, once to improve speed another to work on endurance. She still working hard to prepare herself to win a race one day and at Network Health are proud of her motivation. In fact, the article's title has attracted me. I become curious of my body abilities. I found as long as you are motivated ,enthusiastic and confident, you would be a unique person by achieving your goals. In addition, If I could change the title , I would said " See What Your Mind  Can Do". And it is because your inside power will not work well if you do not have a great plan that could guide it. Also, In some people, they have physical disability, but they have a great power and management to reach their goals. To sum up, drown your goals and an accurate plan definitely would led to an enormous achievements. 

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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Women Raping

       In 10 News, "Police investigating rape of 100-year-old woman in Kansas", in October 5, 2014, 100- years -old woman has been raped.  the woman went to a neighbor's house at around 7:15 Tuesday morning and told them two people were in her house and they had been raped her. The polic said "I did not know somebody could do that to a woman at that age". This is very sickening. Now, people in this area are less fell safe than they used to be before. Raping is psychological crime; it breaks the heart and dignity. Their affects continue with all the victim life. Thus, In the future, if the victim yung, he/ she could be criminal or less social and in some time a normal person. In fact, impactions of raping do not appear on the victim, it expands to all the society. It definitely reduces the security at the society. Raping is a dangerous social crime. And more severs sanction must apply on the offender in order to fight this crime.           Ereanst Owents said " Men, It's Our Moral Responsibility to Combat Rape Culture" This is acutely true. You never heard women rapes man in the street the opposite is always true as the man stronger than woman. Thus, in his article he advice, we should educate men how they could be more mindful and do not violating women's body. Also, the women have not to stand up and fight this issue alone, they not only need our help but they deserve it, because these women are our mothers, sisters, employers, and will one day be my daughters and nieces. That obvious woman is half of the society. And all society members should work against these women raping.           

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

a New event raises the racism against black people in america.

IN the independent news, Kunal Dutta says "Michael Brown shooting: Police shoot and kill second young black man near Ferguson". On Wednesday 20 August 2014, in Missouri intensified, one black man has killed by a white policeman. The victim's name is Mr. Michael Brown, 18-year-old. The report said that Brown has sole store. “man with a knife acting erratically,” St Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said. "Police said the ignored verbal commands to drop the knife and continued to approach the officers, coming “within three to four feet” before two policemen opened fire." After negotiations with the victim, two policemen shoot the fire toward Brown, and then he died. Policeman alleged that Brown tended to attack policeman while other new said that fake as black man was rising his hand up. In fact, this incident raises the racism against black people. The people in Missouri intensified made revolutions and called to judged policeman as well as get their rights. A lot of damages happened in this city which is really up sit. Therefore, american government should provide a lot of efforts to quall racism and live peacefully. Otherwise, it would occur a lot of disappointing effects, such as live less peacefully, selfishness, and spread of injustice. Recently, US Attorney General Eric Holder, who is so closed from President Barack Obama,  stated  that he tends to give up his post even thought he strived to fair and equal treatment among amerciacn people in front of the law whatever their race, or their religion, or ethnicity, or beliefs, or attitudes. I hope racism against black people do not continue. All of us want to live in fair society and peaceful life. 


Sunday, September 21, 2014

In the article "Young adult books that changed our lives" shows a diversity of book examples that affect positively on their reader. CNN reported the number of people about how reading books impact on their life. For instance, Henry Hanks said about reading "Chronicles of Narnia" C.S. Lewis, 1950 to 1956 "It opened up my imagination and inspired me to seek out other stories of science fiction and fantasy." He pointed out how this story helped to built strength analytical thinking. And this is would make a significant change as you become more critical person.  Other book is  "Harriet the Spy" by Louise Fitzhugh, 1964, Jamie Gumbrecht said that his appearance has been changed  by Harriet habits. He always wears jeans and sweatshirts no matter the weather. And then, after all, he gave up caring of what people thought. This book gave him a confident of whatever he want to do. In my case, I remember when I passed first grade; my father backed me up to the library to buy my gift; He bought a story its name is Do not Forget the Time. The main character is young person who was kind, respectful, smart at his school and organized. He never been late after school; He always going back home on time; But one day, after school, he went to play football and forget to let his family know; after awhile, his family started to be afraid about him; so many things came in his mother's mined; He might in car accident or he lost and so on. Finally, he arrived, he noticed his mother anger; but his father was patient and he take this chance to teach his son how to manage your time effectively. This story influences me deeply; I become more ethical and strict with the time. These habits have become part of my personality life. In most cases, reading books give different advantages and it aids people to think very well than before. And that would clearly improve and change people's life to better.

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Big solar storm hitting Earth as CNN news reported. Pefor starting I would say what solar storm?  The soler storm is a gurops of gases that sun released to the earth. These gases contain magnetic properties called a coronal mass ejection. And since 2012 the earth has not faced the big solar storm as in September 13. In this article some of the warning and some calm solar affection. And I think there is no reason to be afraid of solar storm.  Lika Guhathakurta, a program scientist with NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory said "People on the ground really don't have to worry," Also, she said solar storms don't affect humans on the ground, although astronauts could be at risk. Last Saturday which there solar storm, I have a really nice bekink day with my friends. It was warm day. Every things round us is shine. But Experts said, solar storm could affect on commercial airliners, radio communications and damage satellites. Actually, this is would be true. My friend tried to connect with her family in Saudi Arabia as she always did but she could not. However, Dr. Petrus Martens, an expert on solar flares and a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Georgia State University, told CNN that solar storm is not likely to influence our cell phone and the Internet as well. So, cell phones and internet are not highly affected by solar storm. In other side, solar storm created fantastic views at next few days. Martens said:  "A fantastic display of Northern Lights as far south as the northern half of the U.S." Aurora watchers in the northern United States should not lose this a pretty chance looking.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

In the article, 'Window to Stop Ebola Outbreak is 'Closing Quickly,' Official Warns by Alexandra Sifferlin,Ebola virus currently is a scared and serious disease at West Africa. In CNN news, there are 1427 persons have affected by Ebola virus. Dr. Tom Frieden, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said “The number of cases is so large, the epidemic is so overwhelming and it requires an overwhelming response,” His experiences at affected countries clarified that Ebola has influenced severely the people there. Although, there are a lot of efforts to fight this virus, the number of affected people going up. Dr. Tom Frieden mentioned. In fact, that illustrate why so many patients lying on the ground in some West Africa clinics, as. Dr. Tom Frieden saw. About $600m is required to fight Ebola, and more than 20,ooo persons could be infected before the outbreak is put under control, the WHO has warned.. Ebola is an upcoming danger that could influence other countries.

Monday, September 1, 2014

This is munirah alenezi. I am from Saudi Arabia. I am looking for a master degree in Biological since at western Illinois University. I have been in here nearly 1 week. My flight was really hard; I have never had like that before. It took around 15 hours from Riyadh city to Macomb city. I have been studying English approximately 2 years in Canada, Toronto. My life in Toronto was enjoyable. Toronto has many characters that attracted me. The main one is multi cultures. In Toronto, there are a variety of towns, such as china town, korean town and Italian town. So, this is a great opportunity to know different cultures at one place. For example, in china town, the majority people are from china. It has many chinese restaurants, Chinese shopping mall and even chinese bank too. In addition, Toronto has a vital weekend especially in summer time. It has many places to visit and enjoy. For instance, Toronto Island, casa loma, CN tower, wonderland , high park, beach, walking in water front – I used to live there- Toronto zoo .. etc. If you like resting far away of busy life, you can travel to near natural lands such as Niagara Falls which is the biggest fall in the world, or to a blue mountain.
My life here, I do not know how would be. Macomb is so quiet city, even more than my home town. As I am optimistic girl, I think Macomb is a good place to live in a rural life and to be close to original american people. There are a wondrous things waiting for me here.

Thank you for your reading.