Sunday, September 28, 2014

a New event raises the racism against black people in america.

IN the independent news, Kunal Dutta says "Michael Brown shooting: Police shoot and kill second young black man near Ferguson". On Wednesday 20 August 2014, in Missouri intensified, one black man has killed by a white policeman. The victim's name is Mr. Michael Brown, 18-year-old. The report said that Brown has sole store. “man with a knife acting erratically,” St Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said. "Police said the ignored verbal commands to drop the knife and continued to approach the officers, coming “within three to four feet” before two policemen opened fire." After negotiations with the victim, two policemen shoot the fire toward Brown, and then he died. Policeman alleged that Brown tended to attack policeman while other new said that fake as black man was rising his hand up. In fact, this incident raises the racism against black people. The people in Missouri intensified made revolutions and called to judged policeman as well as get their rights. A lot of damages happened in this city which is really up sit. Therefore, american government should provide a lot of efforts to quall racism and live peacefully. Otherwise, it would occur a lot of disappointing effects, such as live less peacefully, selfishness, and spread of injustice. Recently, US Attorney General Eric Holder, who is so closed from President Barack Obama,  stated  that he tends to give up his post even thought he strived to fair and equal treatment among amerciacn people in front of the law whatever their race, or their religion, or ethnicity, or beliefs, or attitudes. I hope racism against black people do not continue. All of us want to live in fair society and peaceful life. 



  1. Racism is definitely an ongoing issue in America, but more than just racism is the mistrust between citizens and police officers. There has been a large discussion nationwide following this incident that really questions police tactics and police training. I have had the discussion with past classes about whether the demographics of a local police force should mirror the demographics of the community it serves, what do you think?

    1. The demographics of a local police reflects to the local society. If the police have a good training, and they educated well of the racism dangerous, that would lead to a better serves and safe society as the police is an important part at the society.
