Sunday, November 2, 2014

16 Cancer Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every Day

According to CNN news, health news department, there are  certain  type of our daily food might cause a cancer. The famous one is microwave Popcorn. It is dangers from two aspects, the small bags and contain. Small begs are linked with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA). The   ( PFOA) is linked to infertility in women, too. In the contact, they used  a GMO product and  various preservatives such as propyl gallate, a chemical that is causes stomach problems and skin rashes. The next is Non-organic fruits. It is contaminating by some very dangerous pesticides such as atrazine, thiodicarb, and organophosphates, as well as high nitrogen fertilizers. Canned Tomatoes is lined with a chemical called bisphenol-A, or BPA. Also, processed meats such as hot dogs, bacon, most lunch meats like bologna or pimento loaf. Farmed Salmon, because its feed by chicken litter and has high levels of PCB’s, mercury, and cancer causing dioxins. Potato Chips have acrylamide, a known carcinogen beside being high contain of sodium levels that cause high blood pressure. Hydrogenated oils, another concern of daily food. All vegetables oil contain an excess of Omega- 6 fatty acids that cause heart disease and in increase in various cancers, especially skin cancer. The chocked one for me is  Wight flours. Now, it has a high level of chlorine gas which causes a cancer. All Refined Sugars, and it consider as a good environment to cancer growth. If you to know the rest of cancer food, back to the link.

In fact, I feel frustrated. Almost ever thing around us being dangerous. The main reason behind that is greed merchants. They want to earn many in any way. Also, international monopoly. It forbade plant productions any were, in order of trades. So in this case natural food productions are not enough to human consumption, then chemical elements is the only solution to increase productions. 


1 comment:

  1. This is both disturbing and, like you said, frustrating. The more one knows, the scarier it becomes. As an American it makes me so angry at the FDA because it is their job to make sure the foods we consume are safe. I know far too many people my age fighting cancer right now and it is scary!
