Sunday, October 26, 2014

         In "How Computers Change the Way we Learn" David Robson said "Can technology improve the way we learn and think" He argue that even thought technology can have its downsides , there is very little evidence that computers are damaging our brains. This possibilities for technology to improve the mind was explored by Google’s vice-president of research Alfred Spector at the World-Changing Ideas Summit in New York on 21 October. Duolingo – an app that teaches foreign languages through playful games – already has around 40 million users. To make these app more effective, technology will follow three important principles "Firstly, he points to research showing that even average students can reach the top 2% of a class if they have a personal tutor that can adapt their teaching methods to the student’s style of thinking and learning. “If it were the case that technology could become custom tutors, then it’s possible to imagine enormous improvements in educational attainment,” said Spector.  Memrise and Cerego, in some extent, have already use this strategy. Also, designers have created through video games interesting and compiling  learning environment that would take out the board of studying. In addition, social networks could help student to share their experiences. Spector says the obvious enthusiasm with which people are ingest apps like Duolingo suggests there is a realistic interest. “It may be enough to get this started,” he says. He thinks much of the requisite technology is already there. It just needs to be packaged in a more fascinating way, and that could change our society and no needing for schools.

        So, the idea is to change our methods studying from going to school every day morning to using an effective app as your laying in your bed. This is a crazy sound, because people now are using technology  voracity. You can see group of people setting together but in reality are not together, each one with own cell phone or laptop . That leads people to become less social. I cannot imagine what it would happen if we use app for studying, too.  Another affects is problems health like the constant touching of screens especially for children as their nerve cells have not complete growing. It would kill the soul of companion among students as each one work individually. It would kill the teachers creativity. I am against using app as a new methods of teaching.      

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

See What Your Body Can Do

See What Your Body Can Do

In CNN news, Jessica Fischer, in her article " See What Your Body Can Do",  addressed an important psychological issue which is trusting that  you have an enormous ability and a great powerful   to achieve your dream goals. Briefly, the article talk about  a woman her name is Lori Thyssen. She never think that she would be an sported woman one day. The idea came when she wanted to run at the Marathon race. Even thought having baby, working full time, moving and building a new house, she found a time to practice running sport. Her plan includes  Fleet Feet’s marathon training program. In this program, she meet twice a week, once to improve speed another to work on endurance. She still working hard to prepare herself to win a race one day and at Network Health are proud of her motivation. In fact, the article's title has attracted me. I become curious of my body abilities. I found as long as you are motivated ,enthusiastic and confident, you would be a unique person by achieving your goals. In addition, If I could change the title , I would said " See What Your Mind  Can Do". And it is because your inside power will not work well if you do not have a great plan that could guide it. Also, In some people, they have physical disability, but they have a great power and management to reach their goals. To sum up, drown your goals and an accurate plan definitely would led to an enormous achievements. 

See the link 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Women Raping

       In 10 News, "Police investigating rape of 100-year-old woman in Kansas", in October 5, 2014, 100- years -old woman has been raped.  the woman went to a neighbor's house at around 7:15 Tuesday morning and told them two people were in her house and they had been raped her. The polic said "I did not know somebody could do that to a woman at that age". This is very sickening. Now, people in this area are less fell safe than they used to be before. Raping is psychological crime; it breaks the heart and dignity. Their affects continue with all the victim life. Thus, In the future, if the victim yung, he/ she could be criminal or less social and in some time a normal person. In fact, impactions of raping do not appear on the victim, it expands to all the society. It definitely reduces the security at the society. Raping is a dangerous social crime. And more severs sanction must apply on the offender in order to fight this crime.           Ereanst Owents said " Men, It's Our Moral Responsibility to Combat Rape Culture" This is acutely true. You never heard women rapes man in the street the opposite is always true as the man stronger than woman. Thus, in his article he advice, we should educate men how they could be more mindful and do not violating women's body. Also, the women have not to stand up and fight this issue alone, they not only need our help but they deserve it, because these women are our mothers, sisters, employers, and will one day be my daughters and nieces. That obvious woman is half of the society. And all society members should work against these women raping.           

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